A2Z Infraservices Sri Lanka



Now that you’ve taken up the old, worn carpet and replaced it with beautiful tiles, you’re probably curious about its care and maintenance. Tile floors can last a lifetime – if you take care of them properly. Luckily, compared to some other types of flooring, tile is fairly low-maintenance. All you need to keep the floor clean and shining is warm water, a bit of soap or cleaning product and a mop.

Believe it or not, some people don’t bother sweeping their tile floors. That results in dirt sticking to the tiles like a magnet. Sweeping daily loosens and removes most of the dirt.

Tile floors should be regularly mopped using a mild cleaner, preferably one recommended by the manufacturer. If you’re not certain which cleaner to use, stick with water and a squirt of dish washing liquid or a cup of white vinegar per gallon of water. Both are safe for use in homes with children or pets.

Have you ever come across cloudy looking tiles? It is because you have washed the tiles using dish detergent soap. Remove the haze with a mild DIY Cleaner made from diluted lemon juice. It will work on porcelain and ceramic tiles. Avoid using it on natural tiles that can damage the stone.

If your tile floors are heavily soiled, mopping probably won’t help much, use an oxygen bleach solution and apply with a scrub brush to remove embedded dirt and grease. After applying a cleaning solution, rinse thoroughly with clean water to prevent breaking down the tile’s protective surface.

Once you’ve mopped the tiles, it’s best not to let them air dry. It will likely create water spots, especially if your local water contains heavy mineral deposits. Immediately dry the tile floor with a clean, lint-free cloth or a cotton or microfiber mop.

Is that all? No! You missed your tile grout!

You tile won’t look clean unless the grout is also sparkling clean. When tile is originally installed, a protective grout sealer is applied. The sealer should be reapplied each year to prevent stains, dirt, and moisture from penetrating the grout’s porous surface. To clean this dirty lines, mix up baking soda and water in equal parts. Scrub stains and discoloration with a toothbrush and rinse. Allow the grout to dry completely and then apply a sealer.

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