A2Z Infraservices Sri Lanka



Dust isn’t something that you probably have on your mind often, even though dust is constantly collecting around you. That’s why dusting is actually so important!

First of all what’s dust? Dust is a terms that refers to the particles that collect in our homes, skin cells, hair and pet dander, but far more dangerous components, such as bugs can also live in dust.

Dust is everywhere, It is also the most visible sign of a house in need of a good cleaning. It may seem impossible to keep your home entirely dust free But regular dusting is important!

Beyond the obvious visible signs of cleanliness around your home, regular dusting provides benefits to the health and welfare of your family. Reducing dust in your home also reduces allergens, bacteria and mold throughout your home. Well Yes! Additionally, a clean home attracts less pest and help reduce the spread of germs including common bacteria and viruses.

If you walked into someone’s house and saw that their furniture was covered in dust, what would you first impression of their home be? Probably not a good one.

Dust that’s been sitting around will also stir up easily when you walk around. This makes it easier for the dust to fly into the air and go into your lungs. Do you know that you can significantly increase your air quality just by keeping your home free of dust.

Dusting actually takes up more time than you might think it would. But you know that you can’t leave dangerous dust lying all around your house too.

I bet you don’t want skin cells lying all over your house, so what are you waiting for? Get dusting!

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